O Callen veio num dia de chuva buscar a sua Pelago Hanko à Megastore do Palácio e, por isso mesmo, a foto da praxe teve que ser tirada no interior. Já agora, o pessoal no terceiro andar desde já apresenta um pedido de desculpas pela edição pesada, necessária porque a fotografia original estava quase impublicável.
O rapaz nas escadas é o Fonzie e não, as Hanko não chegam com um jeco incluído. O selim original também não é um Brooks B17 vermelho, como quem compra a Hanko parece preferir.
Pouco depois da sua visita, chegaram-nos algumas palavras do Callen sobre esta Hanko em particular e sobre o papel da bicicleta em geral.
“Just wanted to say thank you for all your help with the process of the Hanko purchase. Yesterday afternoon I managed to cycle along the coast on the Gaia side to Afurada. The Hanko went really well – I couldn’t be happier. I spent a few hours last night playing with it (adjusting the seat height a little, just tweaking a few bits) – to be honest, most of the time I was just nerding out looking at it!”
‘For me, it’s important to see the humble bike not as a poor man’s car but as a tactile, utilitarian tool that grounds you, connecting you to the earth, making the heart beat faster with the simplicity of moving forward, acutely feeling the elements. For daily commuters, tell me the car is better than that and I won’t believe you. Vote bike!’
Voto confirmado!
These are Callen and Fonzie with their new Pelago Hanko. It was raining cats and dogs (of course) and the photo had to be taken indoors. Our apologies for the heavy editing.
Few days later, Callen wrote some nice words about the Hanko and his feeling towards the role of the bicycle on one’s life (you can read above, it’s the English part).
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